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Simple Codeigniter 4 CRUD Application in Hindi (Introduction & Installation) - Part 1

============================================== Simple Codeigniter 4 CRUD Application in Hindi ==============================================
Server Requirements: ------------------------------------ PHP version 7.2 or newer is required, with the *intl* extension and *mbstring* extension installed.
Currently supported databases are: ------------------------------------ MySQL (5.1+) via the MySQLi driver PostgreSQL via the Postgre driver SQLite3 via the SQLite3 driver
------------------------------------- Installation -------------------------------------
0) You need to install Composer first, if you already installed you can skip this step. 1) Open your working folder, if you are using xammpp you need to open htdocs directory. 2) Now open CMD and go to htdocs folder, and run the composer command given below. composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter ci4_crud Note: make sure *intl* and *mbstring* extension installed. 3) To access the project in browser, we need top open ci4_crud in CMD and run the command given below. php spark serve If, you see a welcome screen it means, you have successfully installed Codeigniter 4 project. 4) Create a database called ci4_latest with a table called "books", that we will use in our CRUD application id, title, isbn_no, author, created_at 5) Create a controller called "Book" inside the following directory. app\controllers\Book.php 6) Now inside "Book" controller, we'll create a method called "index". This method will load our first landing page, which will hold the listing of books in a tabular form. 7) Open routes.php and create a "Get" route for books listing. $routes->get('/books', 'Book::index'); 8) We will use bootstrap 4 for our project, you can download bootstrap files from my github account. 9) Create a folder name "assets" inside public directory and paste the "css" and "js" folder there. 10) Now, we will create a view called "list.php" inside sub folder called "books" in views directory, directory given below. app\views\books\list.php 11) Let's load our "list.php" view in "index" method of Book Controller class and create some basic structure for our CRUD APP in our "list.php" view. ############# Create 12) Now we'll create function in "Book Controller" that will load our create form Location: app\Controllers\Book.php 13) Now in routes.php file we need to define a get route. $routes->get('/books/create', 'Book::create'); 14) Let's create a view called "create.php" in the location given below. And load this view in in create method of "Book Controller" Location: Views/books/create.php 15) Lets create our create form inside "create.php" view. 16) In "create" method of "Book" Controller, we'll validate our form, and then save values in DB. 17) Before save we need to create a model which will interact with database and save values in DB, we will create a model called "BookModel.php" in following location. App\Models\BookModel.php Note: Make sure define allowed fields in model protected $allowedFields = ['title','isbn_no','author']; 19) Now after save we will redirect user with a flash session message Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, you have successfully completed create part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############# Read 20) Now, we have to create a method called "getRecords()" in "BookModel.php" which will fetch all records from database. 21) In "BookController" we'll call "getRecords()" method and then we'll pass array to "list.php" view to list records using foreach loop. ############# Edit / Update 21) First we'll modify "list.php" and add link on "Edit" button. 22) When you click the edit button it'll show you 404 not found page because we did't not created a method which will load "edit" book page. 23) Let's create a "edit" method inside "Book Controller", which will show edit page. 24) Create a route for "edit" book page inside "route.php" $routes->get('/books/edit/(:num)', 'Book::edit/$1'); 25) Create a "edit.php" view inside views folder. And copy the code of "create.php" view and paste in "edit.php" view. Location: Views/books/edit.php 26) Copy the code of "create" method and paste inside "edit" method in "Book Controller", load edit view instead of "create" in edit method of "Book Controller", let's modify the "edit" view. 27) As we need to prefill the "edit.php" form, we need to fetch from database, so we'll create a "getRow()" method in "BookModel" which will fetch a single row from DB. 28) Now we'll update the record using update method. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, you have successfully finished Update part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############# Delete Part 29) In this step we'll create a "deleteConfirm()" javascript method, which will confirm if user wants to delete the record? 30) Let's create a method called "delete()" in Book controller which will handle delete logic. 31) After delete from database will redirect to listing page with a delete confirmation message. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, you have successfully finished delete part. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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